La Educación en la sociedad postmoderna: Desafíos y oportunidades

  • Cristóbal Ruiz Román
Keywords: Postmodernity and values, Educational challenges of contemporary society, School’s educational function and values


Postmodernity is a current social trend. Although its origins are associated with the rise of a new artistic movement (Postmodernism), the principles that inspired this art have broken through to the world of ideas (Postmodernity), and from this point they have had a profound effect on what we could call social culture (Postmodern Condition). For this reason, professionals in the field of education, rather than ignore this postmodern condition, must study and interpret it, in order to discover the reality in which we have to carry out our educational intervention. This article will provide some keys to interpreting a socio-educational reality marked by postmodernity. That is our objective here. To achieve that objective, we will start by posing the following questions: what are the key features of postmodern philosophy that pervade our society? what kind of human being and society are conducive to this trend? how do postmodern values affect the school’s function and how can they be tackled? In order to deal with such questions, we will analyse the main features of the postmodern condition. We will then observe the axiological implications of postmodernity in education and at school, and we will hear what the professionals in the field of education have to say about such implications.


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How to Cite
Ruiz Román C. . (2010). La Educación en la sociedad postmoderna: Desafíos y oportunidades. Revista Complutense de Educación, 21(1), 173-188.