Escuela y familias inmigradas: Relaciones complejas

  • Jordi Garreta Bochaca
Keywords: School, Immigrant origin families, School experience, Educational expectations, Parents’ associations


The family-school relationship should be analysed taking into account that it has not always been thought necessary and that there has been an imbalance of power between these two institutions. In this framework, the immigrant origin families, with less knowledge of the educational system, the workings of the centres and the correct forms for relations, often appear to be little involved and biased. In the framework of some general considerations, through three of our own empirical studies, the text analyses the relations with the immigrant origin families and how these are perceived by the teachers and the representatives of parents’ associations. To sum up, we show how, among other factors, the dynamics in the educational centres, plus the knowledge that the families acquire lead to greater implication. In contrast, the lack of knowledge and negative dynamics create barriers that are sometimes difficult to overcome.


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How to Cite
Garreta Bochaca J. (2009). Escuela y familias inmigradas: Relaciones complejas. Revista Complutense de Educación, 20(2), 275-21.