La educación emocional en los ámbitos formal y no formal. Propuesta aplicable a una visita museística

  • Mª Del Carmen Fernández Bennássar
  • Mª Immaculada Pastor Homs
Keywords: Emotional education, Formal and non formal education, Museum, Non formal activities,


The subject of the emotions and the feelings have been treated along the history of the humanity through different perspectives, scientific, cultural and personal. In spite of, the pity is that a subject been so outstanding wasn't been theoretically analyzed and studied in the sphere of Pedagogical and Educational knowledge in his different fields of intervention: formal and non formal, as late as aproximatelly two decades. The need and importance of the scientific study of the emotions and its repercussions in the educational intervention, constitutes the priority aim of the article we present.


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How to Cite
Fernández Bennássar M. D. C. . y Pastor Homs M. I. . (2008). La educación emocional en los ámbitos formal y no formal. Propuesta aplicable a una visita museística. Revista Complutense de Educación, 19(2), 347-366.