El programa de diversificación de ciencias sociales: una propuesta ante la futura ley orgánica de educación.

  • Ramón López Domech
Keywords: Diversification Group, A Specific Mehodology, Differential aspects of this group, Apllied Didactics, Logistic Aims,


Governement´s proposal about the new General Education Law (LOE) look at a specific program of Educative Diversification. This paper should bring a proposal about which shuold be teacher's attitude dealing with this specific Program; which should be subjects of classes, and anyway, which sholud be te method: how to deal with learning and teaching and how to follow students' dialy work, and how to evaluate it. This paper presents several logistic aims, that's to say, several objetives to achieve in the classroom during the academic year, instead of the course subject contents. This paper presents, furthermore, a specific Method for this Program, and teachers are invited to applie the adecuate didactic criteria, which include the selection of course subjects, very diferrent to the same of ussual groups of students.


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How to Cite
López Domech R. (2005). El programa de diversificación de ciencias sociales: una propuesta ante la futura ley orgánica de educación. Revista Complutense de Educación, 16(1), 125-150. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/RCED/article/view/RCED0505120125A