Interpretative of teachers of Natural Sciences about successful students

  • Jose Olivo-Franco Institución Educativa Técnica Agrícola Juan Domínguez Romero de Caracolí- Malambo.
Keywords: successful academic, the cognitive, self-regulatory and motivational characteristics, qualitative paradigm, natural sciences


The study sought to understand the cognitive and motivational characteristics that influence the academic achievements of successful students, starting from the perspective of their teachers. Theories on Cognition and Learning Styles were reviewed, from a qualitative paradigm and a phenomenological approach. Seven in-depth interviews were applied to an equal number of teachers of natural sciences, intentionally selected under criteria of availability and theoretical saturation. The information analysis was developed following the suggestions of Strauss and Corbin (2002) for the constitution of open, axial and selective categories, and based on a microanalysis; the teachers’ perception of educational institutions of Malambo, Colombia was analyzed in the interviews about the characteristics of the success in your students. When studying the emerging categories, metacognitive and motivational characteristics that influence their academic achievements were discovered. The final reflections based on the findings can contribute to improving the quality of science education in the municipality.


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Author Biography

Jose Olivo-Franco, Institución Educativa Técnica Agrícola Juan Domínguez Romero de Caracolí- Malambo.
Docente de Educación Básica con enfasís en CIencias Naturales y Ed. Ambiental.



How to Cite
Olivo-Franco J. (2019). Interpretative of teachers of Natural Sciences about successful students. Revista Complutense de Educación, 30(2), 347-364.