Learning environment and textbooks in Andalusia: an analysis content and teacher knowledges

  • Francisco Javier López Sánchez Universidad de Huelva
  • Francisco Javier García Prieto Universidad de Huelva
  • Gabriel Travé González Universidad de Huelva
Keywords: teacher knowledge, textbooks, social environment, environment, content analysis, questionnaire


The objective of this paper is to know and contrast the assessment of teachers on textbooks as the official curriculum developers and guarantors of certain recommendations of general and specific didactics. The use of an integrated methodology has allowed combining two lines of research in a single study in pursuit of some more elaborated interpretations of the same reality. Through content analysis we have obtained a very approximate view of the didactic treatment that manuals print into these teachings, at the same time we administered a questionnaire to a sample of 863 teachers which has allowed us to know their views about our subjects of study. The main conclusions builds on the weakness of the material to respond to regulatory and bibliographical demands, the presence of a large sector of teachers who know the limitations of textbooks, the express discontent of a small minority and, however, the majority use, and in many cases exclusive, of this material in the classroom. This paradox requires further exploration on didactics representations specific to teachers as well as the ways to achieve greater harmony between conceptions and practices.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Javier López Sánchez, Universidad de Huelva
Profesor interino, Departamento de Educación y estudiante de del Programa de Doctorado IEACAD de la Universidad de Huelva. Mimebro del Grupo Andaluz de Investigación en el Aula (HUM-133)
Francisco Javier García Prieto, Universidad de Huelva
Personal Docente e Investigador. Postdoctoral Departamento de Educación, Universidad de Huelva
Gabriel Travé González, Universidad de Huelva
Profesor Titular de Universidad. Departamento de didácticas integradas, Universidad de Huelva. Miembro del Grupo Andaluz de Investigación en el Aula.



How to Cite
López Sánchez F. J., García Prieto F. J. y Travé González G. (2017). Learning environment and textbooks in Andalusia: an analysis content and teacher knowledges. Revista Complutense de Educación, 29(2), 539-557. https://doi.org/10.5209/RCED.53450