High School second of Bachillerato student body perception about their skills training

  • Javier Rodríguez Moreno Universidad de Jaén
  • Mª Dolores Molina Jaén Escuelas Profesionales Sagrada Familia (SAFA).
  • Eufrasio Pérez Navío Universidad de Jaén
Keywords: higher education, skills, students, teachers, university


The student body competences have always been a studying and researching subject; on one hand for discovering if students know about what they are, and what is more for looking into if they have acquired and developed them once the educational period is finished, making it easier for the next step. In this article are exposed the results of an inquiry completed by 566 students in the last year of High School “segundo de Bachillerato” studying in educational centers of High School in east Andalucía (Almería, Granada and Jaén) and south of Castila-La Mancha (Ciudad Real). The main goal is the achievement of the knowledge of their competential level and the work that the teachers executed in the classrooms for obtaining these competences in the teaching-learning process and that they are going to be decisive on their access to the University and their future workplace and social lifestyle. The results indicate that the student body value positively the teachers, however they consider that strategies going deeper in the relationship between educational period are needed.


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Author Biographies

Javier Rodríguez Moreno, Universidad de Jaén
Profesor del Departamento de Pedagogía de la Universidad de Jaén. Asesor del Centro del Profesorado de Linares-Andújar. Maestro de Primaria.
Mª Dolores Molina Jaén, Escuelas Profesionales Sagrada Familia (SAFA).
Profesora de Pedagogía y Didáctica en la Escuela Profesional Sagrada Familia de Úbeda (Jaén). Centro Adscrito a la Universidad de Jaén.
Eufrasio Pérez Navío, Universidad de Jaén

Profesor Contratado Doctor del área de DOE, Vicedenado de Educación de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Jaén. Imparte docencia de Didáctica General en el Grado de Educación Primaria, Orientación Profesional en la Licenciatura en Psicopedagogía y Procesos y Contextos Educativos en el Máster de Secundaria. Su trayectoria investigadora en los últimos años está centrada en el asesoramiento al profesorado y alumnado en la tarea evaluadora.



How to Cite
Rodríguez Moreno J., Molina Jaén M. D. y Pérez Navío E. (2017). High School second of Bachillerato student body perception about their skills training. Revista Complutense de Educación, 29(2), 509-526. https://doi.org/10.5209/RCED.53444