Reposicionamiento de la imagen turística de Brujas a través del cine: de ciudad de cuento a ciudad de thriller

Keywords: Tourism, Cinema, Tourist promotion, Image, Movie maps


The concept of destination brand includes all those relevant and necessary aspects to construct in the mind of the public ones a certain image of a place, emphasizing his attractions, identifying his values and generating an affective interaction with the addressees. Undoubtedly, the increasing proliferation of countries, regions and cities that seek to differ from the competition and to increase this way the number of tourists, has transformed the geographical spaces into symbolic spaces provided with emotional meanings, which make them even more desirable. The conventional advertising, for her capacity and her persuasive function, has played the relevant one (and almost exclusive) role in this respect. Nevertheless, the cinematographic fiction also has helped with her great evocative power to consolidate or modify the perception and the imaginary ones on some tourist destinations, inducing of step the later visit. Because of it, recently the link has been revitalized among tourism and cinema, two eminently visual experiences, to start effectives strategies of movie tourism tending to create, to facilitate and promote new products of tourist consumption. In this article we are going to analyze the case of the movie In Bruges (2007), which has caused, on one hand, the (re)vision of the traditional tourist image of this historical Belgian city and, for other one, has generated an urban route (movie map) that crosses the locations of the filming.


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How to Cite
MARTÍNEZ PUCHE S. . (2011). Reposicionamiento de la imagen turística de Brujas a través del cine: de ciudad de cuento a ciudad de thriller. Pensar la Publicidad. Revista Internacional de Investigaciones Publicitarias, 4(1), 147-166.