Sobre la reason why, los topoi y la argumentación. Una relectura (comparada) de los clásicos de la publicidad y la retórica

  • Juan REY
Keywords: Rhetoric, Advertising, Argumentation, Commonplace, Platitudes


Rhetoric and advertising are closely linked. In the early years of the twentieth century, American advertising professionals struggled to perform their job in a rigorous (scientific) activity. Among other issues, they realized that, in order to make the consumer buy the product, the most useful way was providing information about their benefits. In the fifth century bC, Greeks laid the foundations for a technical of convincing the adversary. In both cases, the key elements are the consumer and the argumentation, the latter expressed through the selected information. Both of them aim to change recipient’s opinion in order to act in a certain direction.


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How to Cite
REY J. (2010). Sobre la reason why, los topoi y la argumentación. Una relectura (comparada) de los clásicos de la publicidad y la retórica. Pensar la Publicidad. Revista Internacional de Investigaciones Publicitarias, 3(2), 89-108.