Eficacia publicitaria del product placement en las series de ficción en función de la conectividad temporal y actitudes del espectador

  • Jesús Bermejo Berros
Keywords: Product placement, Connectedness, Advertising effectiveness, Television series


The advertising effectiveness research of product placement in television series has shown the influence of object participation in the scene and the audiovisual modality of placement into the spectatorship response. Nevertheless, until now, the level of temporal connectedness of the individual with this television series and the effects of short, half and long time exposure on this have not been taken into consideration. In this research, 198 subjects from 22 to 25 years old, completed several questionnaires than allow us to group them according to their television consumption, their connectedness and their attitudes towards specific fiction series. In a new experimental session, they watched three excerpts from a fiction series and their cognitive, affective and immediate/mediate responses were evaluated according to the advertising effectiveness. The results show that the temporal connectivity factor has a higher degree of advertising effectiveness compared to other cognitive, affective and conative measures.


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How to Cite
Bermejo Berros J. (2010). Eficacia publicitaria del product placement en las series de ficción en función de la conectividad temporal y actitudes del espectador. Pensar la Publicidad. Revista Internacional de Investigaciones Publicitarias, 3(1), 31-54. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/PEPU/article/view/PEPU0909120031A