Methodological Proposal for the Graphic, Typographic and Chromatic Analysis of Posters

Keywords: Poster; Typography; Colour; Image; Methodology


There is no clear consensus as to the most appropriate method for the study of posters, so alternatives have been used according to the specific needs of each investigation.

The objective of this article is to propose a methodological proposal for the analysis of graphic design of cartels. The choice of this subject is given by the absence of a clear methodology in this respect and is justified by the scarcity of previous models that deal with the analysis of cartels.

The present proposal aims to address and propose a design of variables sheets with which to later extract in the field work, not only qualitative descriptive elements of the posters, but also quantitative data of the object of study in question.

At first it is necessary to propose a more generic card, to later deal with the textual load and the iconic content of the poster in its corresponding templates, for a last one to examine the chromatic proposal, both of the typographic elements and of the graphics.

For the design of these tables of analysis, the basic informative data on the posters will be taken into account first, so that once the elementary compositional criteria have been defined, the different artistic creations, defined by the aforementioned textual, graphic and chromatic contents, can be examined in detail.


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Author Biographies

María Tabuenca Bengoa, Universidad San Pablo-CEU

Profesora Colaboradora Doctora de la Universidad San Pablo-CEU. Especialista en cartelismo y diseño, tanto en el entorno urbano como en la industria cinematográfica. Miembro de ICOIDI.

Laura González-Díez, Universidad San Pablo-CEU

Profesora Titular de la Universidad San Pablo-CEU. Especialista en Diseño Periodístico y Tipografía. IP del grupo consolidado de investigación ICOIDI.

Belén Puebla Martínez, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Profesora Ayudante Doctora de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Especialista en Métodos de Investigación en Comunicación. IP del grupo consolidado INECO y miembro de ICOIDI.

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How to Cite
Tabuenca Bengoa M., González-Díez L. y Puebla Martínez B. (2020). Methodological Proposal for the Graphic, Typographic and Chromatic Analysis of Posters. Pensar la Publicidad. Revista Internacional de Investigaciones Publicitarias, 14(2), 269-280.