Claves de la construcción de género en las revistas femeninas y masculinas: análisis cuantitativo

  • JOSÉ IGNACIO Armentia Vizuete
  • María Flora Marin Murillo
  • María Ganzabal Learreta
Keywords: Gender, Communication, Men’s magazines, Women’s magazines


Studies done during last years about “Gender and Communication” claim to revise the concept of gender in the case of magazines for men or women. This concept should be replaced by categories such as “lifestyle”. Our purpose is to analyse comparatively the staff and the contents of ten magazines –five of them for men and the others for women– in order to determinate if there are genre differences and which they are. This article covers the quantitative analysis of a wider investigation on the construction of gender identity through the male and female magazines, financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation.


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How to Cite
Armentia Vizuete J. I., Marin Murillo M. F. . y Ganzabal Learreta M. . (2010). Claves de la construcción de género en las revistas femeninas y masculinas: análisis cuantitativo. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 16, 259-289.