Entretenimiento y fe en las ondas. Las emisiones religiosas de Radio Nacional de España durante el primer franquismo (1939-1959)

  • Salvador Gómez García
Keywords: Broadcasting, Religious emissions, Radio Nacional de España, Franquism, History of Radio


This article is part of the results obtained by the author within the framework of the project “History of the entertainment in Spain during the Francoism: audio-visual culture, consumption and contents (cinema, radio and television)”. One of the aspects on which it is reflected is the important influence of the church in the sociopolitical life of the regime and how it influenced in the wireless emissions of the time, especially in those of Radio Nacional de España; a presence that underwent different rises and losses throughout all the dictatorship in its different stages. From this budget the type of message is approached and its influence within the own religious emissions and the ways from Radio Nacional to achieve the success of these emissions.


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How to Cite
Gómez García S. . (2009). Entretenimiento y fe en las ondas. Las emisiones religiosas de Radio Nacional de España durante el primer franquismo (1939-1959) . Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 15, 261-276. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ESMP/article/view/ESMP0909110261A