El conceptismo como recurso retórico en columnas periodísticas personales. Análisis de la obesidad

  • José Antonio Díaz Rojo
Keywords: Opinion Journalism, Rethoric, Conceptism, Persuasion


This article analyze the use of conceptism as strategy rhetoric in the current Spanish newspaper columnist. To this end, we selected a sample of 28 opinion articles on obesity published between 1 June 2005 and June 30, 2006. We understand the conceptism as the pursuit of verbal brilliance, condensation conceptual and verbal acuity at the expense of argumentative rationality. The conceptism is manifested through antithesis, the establishment of relationships, partnerships and unexpected comparisons, enumeration, dissociation, sentencing, and the analogy, among other rhetorical resources. Through these procedures, the columnist looks for the simplification of content, the humor, the criticism, the fallacious argument,and literary beauty


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How to Cite
Díaz Rojo J. A. . (2009). El conceptismo como recurso retórico en columnas periodísticas personales. Análisis de la obesidad . Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 15, 207-226. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ESMP/article/view/ESMP0909110207A