La depauperación del reportaje en las redacciones se bosqueja en el aula universitaria. Estudio de campo de las deficiencias relevantes (2002–2008)

  • Carlos Maciá Barber
Keywords: Journalistic genres, Interpretative reporting, Journalism, University, Spain


The reportages that media diffuses become a paradigms of this journalistic genre for the university student body of the sciences of communication, even though lack in the sufficient quality. A great part of his ordinary deficiencies are detected already into the messages elaborated by the students, future reporters. The sample of study is integrated by 1.990 reportages elaborated by 816 students of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication of the University Carlos III of Madrid between 2002 and 2008. The cardinal faults are related with two slopes, different though complementary: the purpose of this journalistic genre (superficiality, opinion, scantiness of informative resources) and the specific characteristics of format and style (anodyne narration, poorness description, feeble structure, mistakes in titles, vagueness and incorrectness of language).


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How to Cite
Maciá Barber C. . (2008). La depauperación del reportaje en las redacciones se bosqueja en el aula universitaria. Estudio de campo de las deficiencias relevantes (2002–2008). Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 14, 483-495.