Enfermedad del Papa y credibilidad periodística. Atribución de fuentes durante los últimos días de Juan Pablo II

  • María José Pou Amerigo
Keywords: Journalistic sources, Credibility, Rumors, Pope


In the History, when a Pope was falling ill, till now there was no information. This lack was replaced by rumors. Nevertheless, in the last case, the citizens have been present at the retransfer directly of the death of the Pope. This research analyses the journalistic sources in the news about the last days of John Paul II, the traffic of rumors and speculations and the intervention of the experts in information of the Vatican, called “vaticanologists”. The article analyses the principal Spanish newspapers between 27 and on March 31, date in which the Pope begins to agonize.


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How to Cite
Pou Amerigo M. J. (2005). Enfermedad del Papa y credibilidad periodística. Atribución de fuentes durante los últimos días de Juan Pablo II. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 11, 113-128. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ESMP/article/view/ESMP0505110113A