El papel de la información de consumo en la restauración del periodismo

  • José Manuel Rivas Troitiño
Keywords: Consumer journalism


The major role of the press at the outset of this present century is not to strengthen democracy — although it is essential to maintain a belligerent stance against terrorism, human rights abuses and corruption. Nor is it to create informed public opinion. Instead, its task is to make the reader, listener or viewer aware of how to be a better consumer and entertain him with suggestions and proposals for improving the quality of his life and leisure. The author argues that consumer journalism is the last trump card remaining to be played as journalism bids to regain some measure of dignity now that editors have ceased to be the ones who decide what is, or is not, news.


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How to Cite
Rivas Troitiño J. M. (2003). El papel de la información de consumo en la restauración del periodismo. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 9, 301-314. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ESMP/article/view/ESMP0303110301A