News frames about the Migrant Caravan of 2018 in Mexican digital newspapers

Keywords: Migrant caravan, Mexican press, Digital newspapers, Qualitative research, Framing


This article analyzes three Mexican newspapers of national circulation: “El Universal”, “La Jornada” and “Reforma”, 211 notes were released with 1564 references. The study is qualitative and quantitative, it includes: 1) the way the press treated the issue of the Migrant Caravan of October 19th, 2018; 2) how these newspapers reported about the caravan; and, 3) what was the representation of the migrant. The result yielded four frames and 16 subcategories: 1) international relations, 2) human rights, 3) conflict, and 4) representation of the migrant. “La Jornada” had a greater presence in the categories and “Reforma” had less. The representation of the migrant was linked to: 1) description by others; 2) narrative of migrants; 3) metaphorical definition, and 4) situations of violence; description by others predominate, as well as situations of violence, while metaphorical language associates migrants with natural phenomena.


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Author Biography

Elizabeth Tiscareño-García, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Elizabeth Tiscareño-García. Investigadora de la Escuela de Humanidades y Educación del Tecnológico de Monterrey, México. Maestría en Análisis Político y Medios de Información por la Escuela de Graduados del ITESM. Licenciatura en Comunicación por la UANL, especialidad en periodismo, experiencia laboral en departamentos de noticias principalmente en televisión. Entre las líneas de investigación se encuentran el estudio de la prensa mexicana y el framing en temas como: Víctimas y victimarios de feminicidio en el lenguaje de la prensa escrita mexicana, y Estudio del caso Cassez en la prensa mexicana a través del framing.

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How to Cite
Tiscareño-García E. (2021). News frames about the Migrant Caravan of 2018 in Mexican digital newspapers. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 27(1), 281-293.