Persuasive communication in Politics as a Fundamental Element in the Success of New Political Parties in Spain: Issuer, Message and Context. The case of Podemos and Ciudadanos

  • María Jesús Cardete Quintero Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Javier de Esteban Curiel Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Arta Antonovica Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Keywords: General elections, campaign electoral, persuasive language, communication, political form


The communication is a key element in any electoral process, which efficiency is determined by variables as the characteristics socio-demographic of the voters, the power of the issuer of the political message, the channel chosen for the diffusion of the political speeches or the economic environment where the election campaign takes place.

Following this argument, the present article will focus on describing the content of the political messages used in Spain during December 2015. The reason is that this period coincides with the development of the campaign electoral that ended on December 20 with the celebration of a general elections.

Specifically, the article analyzes the persuasive language used for two new political forms that could determinated the electoral results, not being possible to reach the sufficient majority to form government. The consequence was the celebration of a new choices on June 26, 2016. These political forms are «Ciudadanos» and «Podemos».

There is very prominent the importance of this study since immediately after the presence of these two political forces, the political Spanish situation has changed in the whole nation. Both political forms and his messages have managed to catch the attention of thousands of citizens and there has existed a clear change of intention of vote of the traditional parties. The study of the persuasive message of Podemos and Ciudadanos is very important to understand the vote in Spain today.


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How to Cite
Cardete Quintero M. J., de Esteban Curiel J. y Antonovica A. (2020). Persuasive communication in Politics as a Fundamental Element in the Success of New Political Parties in Spain: Issuer, Message and Context. The case of Podemos and Ciudadanos. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 26(1), 59-69.