The student in the productive structure of Colombian university radio

  • José Augusto Ventín Sánchez Universidad de la Sabana
Keywords: University radio, participation of students in university radios, typology of university radios


University radio is a means of communication that has been shaping its identity since 1915 (Faus, 1973, Miller, 2007), based on social needs and the functions of university institutions (Ventín, 2018). Today, to refer to the university radio, is to understand it from its different purposes: the dissemination of knowledge, extension and training of students. Like any media, with a greater or lesser degree of organization, it has a productive structure made up of, among others, students. But do students have the same weight in each of the types of university radio stations? Do they fulfill the same role? Are there differences in the productive profiles and in the decision-making processes? With the present report research result is intended to expose the role played by students in each of the purposes of university radios, with the aim of determining their weight and value as part of their structures, so that these media can understand the type of link they maintain to enhance their profile as members of these media. Starting from a descriptive investigation of mixed, quantitative and qualitative methodology, and correlational approach, this article has been structured in four parts: the first in which the concept of university radio is developed, in order to typify this means of communication from its functions fruit of the medium and university interrelation. A second one in which the methodology carried out is exposed. A third one in which the student's role is exposed from two components: its weight in the productive structure and its production dynamics. And a final, the conclusions, in which the role of the student is specified and its role is correlated with each of the types of university radio.


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How to Cite
Ventín Sánchez J. A. (2019). The student in the productive structure of Colombian university radio. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 25(2), 1191-1203.