Scientific journalism in large written reportages: study in newspapers of "La Nación" from Costa Rica, "El País" from Spain and "El Universal" from Mexico

  • Margoth Mena-Young Universidad de Costa Rica
  • Miguel Aguilera Moyano Universidad de Málaga
Keywords: Scientific journalism, scientific communication, journalistic genres, reportages, content analysis


The research analyzes what, how and how much society is informed about science and technology in national newspapers, from the study of great reports published in three different countries of Ibero-America: Costa Rica, Spain and Mexico; in the dominant reference newspapers: La Nación, El País and El Universal, respectively. The main objective was to characterize the 155 reports compiled during the period between January and June 2015. Among the results obtained, the health sciences had a greater presence and the exact sciences the lowest. There are large differences by country in sources included, treatment, structures and in the narration used; the presence of male experts is tripled over female experts; and there are gaps in coverage on innovation, alternative approaches, conflicts of interest, controversies, scientific policy, cooperation and ethical implications of scientific research.


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How to Cite
Mena-Young M. y Aguilera Moyano M. (2019). Scientific journalism in large written reportages: study in newspapers of "La Nación" from Costa Rica, "El País" from Spain and "El Universal" from Mexico. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 25(2), 943-960.