New information tools in social awareness campaigns. Big Data applied to Drought and Public Health

  • Ubaldo Cuesta Cambra Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • José Ignacio Niño González Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Luz Martínez Martínez Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Carlos Díez Bielsa
Keywords: Application, Big Data, Media, Drought, Public Health


The purpose of this work is to propose to the Media a solution to create, in a simple and low investment way, a Big Data application that allows to have an instrument of historical analysis of the Droughts associated with the impact on Public Health, with the purpose of generating rigorous content capable of influencing the behavior of the public through awareness prevention campaign. Once the application is implemented, it can be reused without additional costs since the structure is already working, to manage any other information content that is relevant to create a sustainable Society.


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Author Biography

Carlos Díez Bielsa

Profesional experto en Transformación Digital.

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How to Cite
Cuesta Cambra U., Niño González J. I., Martínez Martínez L. y Díez Bielsa C. (2019). New information tools in social awareness campaigns. Big Data applied to Drought and Public Health. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 25(2), 767-783.