Old age in the news content of the digital press. Empirical study of news frames on senior citizens of Castilla and Leon

  • Margarita Antón Crespo Universidad de Valladolid
  • María Yolanda Fernández Ramos Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes
Keywords: Digital press, news frames, content analysis, older people, means of communication.


This investigation has focused on analysing the position of the regional press with respect to the subject of an older population than in the rest of Spain and Europe; that of the autonomous region of Castilla and Leon. This study presents the results of the content analysis on the news frames of information on old age, which were published most widely in the digital press of this autonomous region. We have analysed 799 news articles about elderly people, published in all types of genres, in the most widely published digital press in Castilla and Leon. In order to carry out the study, Semekto and Valkenburg’s five types of news frames were applied, with the objective of analysing the latent and subjective discourse of the chosen information.


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How to Cite
Antón Crespo M. y Fernández Ramos M. Y. (2018). Old age in the news content of the digital press. Empirical study of news frames on senior citizens of Castilla and Leon. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 24(1), 33-50. https://doi.org/10.5209/ESMP.59936