Aurora de Chile and the early Chilean journalism (1812-1813)

  • Eduardo Santa Cruz Achurra Universidad de Chile.
Keywords: History Chilean journalism, century XIX, model doctrinal journalism, Aurora de Chile.


The aim of the text is to give an account of the journalistic work of the Aurora de Chile, in the specific context of the early republican. Such work is enrolled in development from the model of doctrinal journalism, which was predominantly in Latin America throughout the 19th century. This research analyzed all the numbers published by the newspaper, unveil its formal structure, the themes selected, source of their information and their journalistic decisions explicit criteria, complemented with the study of books and articles relating to the topic. The text shows the deployment by the medium, in its purpose of helping the formation of a public space prone to the full independence of the country.


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How to Cite
Santa Cruz Achurra E. (2017). Aurora de Chile and the early Chilean journalism (1812-1813). Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 23(1), 615-629.
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