Spanish Movie Producers Online Activity on Twitter & Facebook

  • Luis Deltell Escolar Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Jorge Clemente Mediavilla Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Twitter, Facebook, Production Company, Film Promotion, Internet, Social Network


This article shows the conclusions of a research about Spanish producers on the most important social media: Facebook and Twitter. To develop this essay we have monitorized the daily activity of Spanish main companies (Telecinco Cinema, El Deseo, Tornasol Films, Castelao Pictures y Antena 3 Films) during the months of October, November and December 2014. Our study demonstrates how the activity on Twitter and Facebook is very low, its impact is minor and unusual. Globally, they do not offer aspects of the paradigm of mass auto-communication (Castells) or the new models of liquid community that Bauman suggest.


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How to Cite
Deltell Escolar L. y Clemente Mediavilla J. (2017). Spanish Movie Producers Online Activity on Twitter & Facebook. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 22(2), 969-980.
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