The quality of the European reference press as analysed by academics, professionals and users

  • Txema Ramirez de la Piscina Universidad del País Vasco UPV/ EHU
  • Beatriz Zabalondo Universidad del País Vasco UPV/ EHU
  • Antxoka Agirre Universidad del País Vasco UPV/ EHU
  • Alazne Aiestaran Universidad del País Vasco UPV/ EHU
Keywords: Quality journalism, reference press, professionalism, crisis in the press


The quality of the European reference press has been analysed from a triple perspective: academic, professional and from the viewpoint of the users. The authors of the research contrasted the opinions regarding press quality of prestigiously renowned professionals from Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy and Spain, with the vision which habitual users of the digital press hold on the subject. This data was then collated together with the results obtained by the HGH research group from the University of the Basque Country in relation to the evolution in the quality of the five daily reference papers in these same countries. The disparity between the reflected viewpoints underlines the urgent need for an indepth debate on this question which is threatening the future of journalism.


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How to Cite
Ramirez de la Piscina T., Zabalondo B., Agirre A. y Aiestaran A. (2015). The quality of the European reference press as analysed by academics, professionals and users. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 21, 31-46.