Media corporation in the film: “Network”, “Murrow”, “The Insider” and “Good night and good luck”

  • Fernando Quirós Fernández Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: cinema, journalism, media mogul, media corporation, ethical values, codes of ethics


The film has a good amount of movies about journalism and the media. There are two types of visions: the journalist villain and the ethical journalist. With a lower number of films dealing with the influence of journalism have the large landowners. In this article addresses four movies that have dealt with the power of the media corporations and other corporations in the media. Are analyzed: “Network”, “Murrow”, “Good Night and good luck” and “The Insider”. The most important themes of tabs films are the power of the owners on the journalists, the negative effects of trade financing and what is called agony of journalism.


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How to Cite
Quirós Fernández F. (2014). Media corporation in the film: “Network”, “Murrow”, “The Insider” and “Good night and good luck”. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 20(2), 857-872.