Structure and meaning of television news: parameters for the construction and analysis of the message in the audiovisual environment

  • Luís Fernando Morales Morante Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Keywords: news, information, audiovisual message, efficiency, structure


The clarity and effectiveness of audiovisual news is based on the structuralist notion of the organization and uses information technology resources and technology to improve their productive finish. In this paper the comparative analysis is made of a news broadcast on two channels with national coverage using the Building Information Model efficiency (MOCIAE). The results indicate the use of differential schemes in both ways: to cover the drafting of the order of the data and the use of syntactic and expressive resources to focus attention on certain aspects of the event preferential represented employees in the different stages of production of the news.


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How to Cite
Morales Morante L. F. (2012). Structure and meaning of television news: parameters for the construction and analysis of the message in the audiovisual environment. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 18(2), 805-821.