Media Impact of Environmental Phenomena: South Spain drought along the last half-century and its press coverage

  • Teodoro León Gross Universidad de Málaga
  • José Damián Ruiz Sinoga Universidad de Málaga
Keywords: Press, Journalistic Coverage, Environment, Climate Change, Drouhgt.


Extreme climate situations were accentuated in the Mediterranean areas during the 20th century, as its projection through the communication media. Their analysis constitutes a priority topic to carry out planning strategies and mitigate their effects. The drought is one of the most disastrous consequences phenomena and the most complex due to her slow onset, without that recognize until that human activities and the environment are already affected, with effects that can persist for a long time. This interdisciplinary study assesses the existence of a solvent media coverage of the phenomenon.


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How to Cite
León Gross T. y Ruiz Sinoga J. D. (2012). Media Impact of Environmental Phenomena: South Spain drought along the last half-century and its press coverage. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 18(2), 769-790.