From Lasswell to Gorgias: the origins of a paradigm

  • Raquel Fornieles Sánchez Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Keywords: Classical Rhetoric, Journalism, 5 W’s, Gorgias.


This work aims to demonstrate that Classical Rhetoric is essential to understand the current Journalism. Not many authors have paid attention to this discipline and those who have done so tend to relate it to the opinion journalistic genres. However, Rhetoric is not only linked to persuasion and, as a little proof, we propose a walk through this subject. The starting points are the contribution of Harold Lasswell and the 5 W’s formula and we go back to the fifth century B. C. in order to approach the works of Gorgias, a sophist who deserves to be so taken into account as Aristotle.


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How to Cite
Fornieles Sánchez R. (2012). From Lasswell to Gorgias: the origins of a paradigm. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 18(2), 739-755.