Databases and repositories

Evaluation systems

  • CARHUS PLUS+ 2018
    • Level B Education
    • Level C Philology, Linguistics and Sociolinguistics
  • CIRC 2023
    • Social Sciences B
    • Humanities C
  • Dialnet Metrics 2022
    • Impact index: 0,20
    • Rank: 127/232 (C3 Education)
    • Rank: 55/322 (C1 Philology)
  • ERIH PLUS by Dimensions
    • Seal of Quality 2023
    • Ranking 2022
      • Score: 21.86
      • Rank: 70/89 (C4 Education Sciences)
      • Score: 27.83
      • Rank: 34/80 (C2 Linguistics)
  • Google Scholar Metrics 2022 (2018-2022)
    • index h 9
    • Median h 12
  • Journal Citation Reports 2023
    • Journal Impact Factor: 0.2
    • Journal Citation Indicator: 0.15
    • Rank: 300/393 (Q4 Language & Linguistics)
  • LATINDEX Catalogo v2.0 (2018-    ): 37 characteristics fulfilled out of 38
  • MIAR 2023: c1+m5+e2+x6