Teoría del personaje narrativo (Aplicación a El amor en los tiempos del cólera).

  • Fernando Sánchez Alonso
Keywords: Person and character Tite character development from Aristotic to structuralisn-¡ The character construction Types of characters


In this essay we will not only study the main features of the character, but the reasons of the indifference in which has fallen nowadays as weB, iii contrast te the prestige the character gained in Grecolatin and Renaissance peetical studies. In addition we analyse the character in relation te psychonalysis and society, and we finally show how novelists censtruct it. Hecause of the complexity of the subject, we are te put off the didactic applications in the Gabriel García Marquez's chosen novel for a new essay. 79-105. Servicio de Publicaciones IJCM. Maddd, 1993 Didáclica. 10. Fernando Sánchez Alonso 80


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How to Cite
Sánchez Alonso F. (1998). Teoría del personaje narrativo (Aplicación a El amor en los tiempos del cólera). Didáctica. Lengua y Literatura, 10, 79. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/DIDA/article/view/DIDA9898110079A