La Plataforma de exámenes multilingüe PLEVALEX1: Resultados del diseño y perspectivas de investigación futura de la Plataforma de Exámenes Valenciana de Lenguas Extranjeras

  • Jesús García Laborda
Keywords: Testing, Computer nets, Computer platforms, Research, Needs


This paper addresses how the web based Plataforma de Exámenes Valenciana de Lenguas Extranjeras (PLEVALEX) is designed and how traditional test items have been adapted to the computer-based platform. Additionally, it also justifies the types of testing tasks included in the platform. After a brief review of the needs analysis that justified the computer based platform development, the paper shows the three main sections in the test prepared through PLEVALEX: multiple choice, written composition and oral. Finally, the article includes the topics of further research and development in the research project. As a conclusion, it is suggested that PLEVALEX is a powerful tool that will facilitate high stakes testing (and backwash).


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How to Cite
García Laborda J. (2006). La Plataforma de exámenes multilingüe PLEVALEX1: Resultados del diseño y perspectivas de investigación futura de la Plataforma de Exámenes Valenciana de Lenguas Extranjeras. Didáctica. Lengua y Literatura, 18, 135-145.