Reading as leisure activity in Asturian 6th grade elementary school children

  • María del Rosario Neira Piñeiro Universidad de Oviedo Facultad de Formación del Profesorado y Educación Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación
Keywords: reading habits, reading, leisure activities, primary education


This paper analyses the results obtained by a research about 6th grade elementary school children’s reading habits in their free time. The study uses a sample of 324 Asturian children, aged 11 to 12, from urban state schools. This allows to analyse the attitude towards reading, the relevance of reading among other leisure activities and reading frequency.

Most of schoolchildren show a quite positive attitude towards reading, which is one of their usual activities in their free time, although they spend more time watching TV, playing sports, using computers and listening music. Most children are frequent readers, but the non readers and occasional readers amount to 12.96%. The surveyed children read mainly books, followed by magazines and comics, and a few more than a third read journals frequently.

This research also reveals some variations in attitude towards reading and reading frequency between the pupils depending on the schools, which can be related to social and economic variables. Moreover, there are relevant differences between boys and girls, as girls surpass their male classmates in interest and reading frequency, and show some differences in the reading materials that they prefer.


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How to Cite
Neira Piñeiro M. d. R. (2016). Reading as leisure activity in Asturian 6th grade elementary school children. Didáctica. Lengua y Literatura, 27, 131-151.