The intonation of Spanish spoken by Italians

  • Empar Devís Herráiz Universitat de València
Keywords: intonation, foreign accent, pronunciation.


We have used a corpus of 254 sentences, of which we have selected for the analysis 99 (49 interrogative ones and 50 neutral ones). The terms of reference were produced by 12 informants, all of them Italian and speaking outposts of spanish. The results of the analysis allow us to propose the melodic features of the intonation prelingüística of the Italians who speak Spanish, as well as the most common melodies of the interrogative intonation and of the neutral and suspended intonation.In this work we describe the melodic features of a group of speaking italians of spanish, with the method of melodic analysis of the speech designed in the laboratory of phonetics of the University of Barcelona. Our aim is to characterize your interlanguage, in order to implement the education of the pronunciation in this context.


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Author Biography

Empar Devís Herráiz, Universitat de València
Departamento de Filologia Española



How to Cite
Devís Herráiz E. (2011). The intonation of Spanish spoken by Italians. Didáctica. Lengua y Literatura, 23, 35-58.