¿Qué es arte? Evolución del concepto de arte en los alumnos de la licenciatura de Bellas Artes.

  • Noelia Antúnez del Cerro
Keywords: Concept of art, career of Fine Arts, Contemporary Art


In this research about how the teaching in the career of Fine Arts of the UCM, have influence on the concept of art and on the appreciation of the works of art in the students, rose from a personal feeling. Is normal that people who are not related with the art, can't define this concept and don't like the more avant-garde works of art; but is not normal that this suffer to people who spend their time in art. This is worrier if happens to people who have received artistic training like the one that is given in Fine Arts faculty. These studies may define those concepts and make aware of the contemporary art. Because of that, we thought that it could be interesting to know what concept of art is being transmitted in the career of Fine Arts, comparing the concept of art that have the students when they begin the career and the concept they have when they are finishing that. Then we can check the influence that the career has in the concept of art and in the way a person looks and values a work of art.


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How to Cite
Antúnez del Cerro N. (2005). ¿Qué es arte? Evolución del concepto de arte en los alumnos de la licenciatura de Bellas Artes. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 17, 157-175. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ARIS/article/view/ARIS0505110157A