Más cerca que lejos: Una propuesta Intercultural a través de la Educación Artística

  • Juan Carlos González-mohíno Barbero
Keywords: cultural diversity, interculturalism, democracy, tolerance, moroccan looms, modern art


The current society is increasingly plural and more complex. The presence of people of different cultures is every time major and the needs of integration bind to confront new reality. Education is a piece key to obtain a harmonic and tolerant climate. It is necessary to speak about Interculturalism as a term that confronts this reality from a relation of enrichment among cultures, without establishing situations of authority and incorporating the positive of the cultural diversity in a society who is half-caste. This educational offer, from The Artistic Education, suggests activities that shoud help the discovery , to the reflection on the prejudices based on ignorance and to placing and to value the influences that of this cultural diversity are given in Modern Art.


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How to Cite
González-mohíno Barbero J. C. (2002). Más cerca que lejos: Una propuesta Intercultural a través de la Educación Artística. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 14, 49-63. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ARIS/article/view/ARIS0202220049A