Space of conversion between architecture and painting, John Hejduk's The Cemetery for the Ashes of the Still Life Painters

Keywords: John Hejduk, still life y natura morta, bodegón, space experience, poem


The research studies the proposal entitled The Cemetery of Ashes of the Still Life Painters. The aim of the work is to reason out the pictorial and architectural meaning of the project developed by John Hejduk through the freehand drawings published in Adjusting Foundations. From the western cultural understanding, when we look at the painting of a still life, the study tries to refer to this confrontation through the architectural space projected by Hejduk. The meaning of the terms 'still life' or 'natura morta' are a means to develop an investigation that recovers a look at the conversion between the pictorial space and the architectural space. This link attempts to construct a still life through architecture, from its pictorial conditions, and is carried out by analysing a poem by Stéphane Mallarmé, a painting by Giorgio Morandi, a text by Cézanne, John Hejduk's project and a painting by Georges Braque. Time, pictorial space, architectural space, the decomposition of the bodies in a still life, life and death, are in turn the subject of research that attempts to make sense of linear time in the contemporary world.



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Author Biography

Carlos Barberá-Pastor, Universidad de Alicante

Carlos Barberá Pastor: Architect by the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Valencia (2001); PhD in Architecture by the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (2009). Professor of Architectural Composition at the Department of Graphic Expression, Composition and Projects of the University of Alicante since 2011. Curator of the 40th anniversary exhibition of the University of Alicante entitled Arquitectura i Paisatge. Mirades al territorio, (2020/2021). He writes for the journal Zarch. Journal of Interdisciplinary studies in Architecture and Urbanism, Zaragoza, Spain, (2019). He writes for the journal Ppa, Seville, Spain, (2018); for the journal RITA -Revista Indexada de Textos Académicos-, Madrid, Spain (2017); has written for the journal TC, Valencia, (2012); for the journal Summa +, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2011); has published in the architecture collection ear of the School of Architecture of Reus, Tarragona (2010); and has written three articles for the journal Massilia, Barcelona, Spain, (between 2003 and 2008). He has participated in conferences with papers on Hejduk, Le Corbusier, Sert, Miró, Hans Scharoun or papers on Yasujiro Ozu or Isaki Lacuesta. He is a member of the university editorial board of the journal RITA and editor of the journal [i2] Innovación e Investigación en Arquitectura y Territorio.

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How to Cite
Barberá-Pastor C. (2022). Space of conversion between architecture and painting, John Hejduk’s The Cemetery for the Ashes of the Still Life Painters. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 34(2), 721-740.