Relation of the work of the artist Antonio Lopez with the photography. Methods of a teacher rejected as a professor

  • Lino Cabezas-Gelabert Universidad de Barcelona
  • Joan Carles Oliver Universitat de les Illes Balears
Keywords: Antonio López, Photography, Academy


In 1966 the artist Antonio Lopez was rejected for the chair in “Preparatorio de colorido” (Preparatory Colouring) by the San Fernando School of Fine Arts where he himself presented his work Nevera de hielo (Ice Box). After 5 years as a “stand in” for this post he left the Institution. This article analyzes the circumstances and proof of a decade where there appears to be evidence of a definite change in his work, more toward Realism, uncomfortable in a system that maintained with difficulty the traditional academic model copy, and incompatible with, in those years was imposed by Spain. At the same time his relation with photography conditioned by the theoretical thoughts of the artist, and his work methods also are analyzed in this article.


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Author Biography

Lino Cabezas-Gelabert, Universidad de Barcelona
Catedrático Universidad, Departamento de Dibujo
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How to Cite
Cabezas-Gelabert L. y Oliver J. C. (2014). Relation of the work of the artist Antonio Lopez with the photography. Methods of a teacher rejected as a professor. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 27(1), 25-43.