A favor de la Investigación Plural en Educación Artística. Integrando diferentes enfoques metodológicos

  • María Amparo Alonso-Sanz Universidad de Alicante
Keywords: Plural Research, Art Education, methodologies


In this paper it is proposed the combination of different methodologies on an historic moment strongly marked by the dialogue between different epistemologies. Plural Research methodology is presented as an encouraging alternative in Art Education’s field. It would combine the major trends in educational research methodology, which according to Marín (2005) are: quantitative, qualitative and artistic.The degree of development reached by the artistic knowledge during last years is profited by means of combining synergistically the quantitative and qualitative concepts learned, as well as its own artistic notions.

First, it will be raised the state of this subject in both education and art scientifics communities. Finally, Plural Research main characteristics, advantages and eventual disadvantages will be listed.


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How to Cite
Alonso-Sanz M. A. (2013). A favor de la Investigación Plural en Educación Artística. Integrando diferentes enfoques metodológicos. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 25(1), 111-119. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_ARIS.2013.v25.n1.41167