Ángel Ferrant. The longing of the pedagogic influences

  • Ignacio Asenjo Fernández Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Ángel Ferrant, Art Education, Pedagogic Influences, Transcribed notes


The sculptor Ángel Ferrant was a man worried about art teaching and its renovation, becoming famous for being a reformer of the artistic pedagogic in Spain. His pedagogical task is so intense as a stranger. He wrote several works on pedagogic reform, he was also an author of programs of artistic formation and, during the Spanish Civil War, he was an active member of the Commission of experts created for the government of the Second Republic in order to reorganize the Fine Art schools. Ferrant followed closely the most important pedagogic trends of his time. He studied and analyzed the works of the big educators and felt affinity for them. He extracted a wide spectrum of annotations from his readings. The influence of the works of these pedagogues was notable and determined his educational path.


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How to Cite
Asenjo Fernández I. (2013). Ángel Ferrant. The longing of the pedagogic influences. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 25(1), 11-29. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_ARIS.2013.v25.n1.41161