El personaje del general republicano Vicente Rojo en dos películas inspiradas por los vencedores de la guerra civil: "Sin novedad en el alcázar" y "Raza"

  • Juan Miguel Campanario
Keywords: Spanish Civil War, Cinema, General Vicente Rojo


Vicente Rojo played a very relevant role very in different phases of the Spanish Civil war. This catholic and conservative professional officer was loyal to the Republic. At the beginning of the conflict, he was a commander, but eventually he would be appointed Chief of the Central Staff of the Popular Army of the Republic. In this work I analyze character of Vicente Rojo in two paradigmatic movies produced by the winners of the Spanish Civil War: "Sin novedad en el Alcázar” and two versions of “Raza” ("Raza" y “Espíritu de una Raza”). The first movie explains the resistance of the rebels in the Alcázar de Toledo. One of the most enigmatic events of this episode happened when commander Vicente Rojo visited the Alcázar. He tried to convince rebels that they should surrender. This episode appears in “Sin novedad en el Alcázar”. On the other side, both versions of "Raza" were based on a novel written by the general Franco. In this movie, the general Vicente Rojo appears as Chief of Central Staff of the republican army in two briefs scenes. Both movies were produced soon after finishing the Civil war in the context of so called "cinema of crusade ". However, in both movies, the character of Vicente Rojo is introduced respectfully.


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How to Cite
Campanario J. M. . (2009). El personaje del general republicano Vicente Rojo en dos películas inspiradas por los vencedores de la guerra civil: "Sin novedad en el alcázar" y "Raza". Área Abierta. Revista de comunicación audiovisual y publicitaria, 22, 1-1. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ARAB/article/view/ARAB0909130001C