Origen y proliferación de los concursos de carteles a principios del siglo XX: El concurso de la Perfumería Gal (1916)

  • Eva Quintas Froufe
Keywords: Poster, Contest, Perfumería Gal, Federico Ribas, La Esfera


With the inauguration of the 20th century, a glorious stage of the Spanish poster is begun. The commercial poster managed to join art and industry constituting a link between the artist and the merchant or manufacturer, although more than a patronage relation it was a link based on the collaboration among both for mutual interest. We will study the particular case of the contest summoned by the pioneering Perfumería Gal whose concrete purpose that was the captation of talent. This event supposed a memorable event from the artistic, advertising and commercial point of view.


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How to Cite
Quintas Froufe E. . (2008). Origen y proliferación de los concursos de carteles a principios del siglo XX: El concurso de la Perfumería Gal (1916). Área Abierta. Revista de comunicación audiovisual y publicitaria, 21, 1-1. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ARAB/article/view/ARAB0808330001D