Edit on Wikipedia: interests and motivations of unemployed people

Keywords: Wikipedia, Training courses for the unemployed, Adult learning courses, Wikis


This article describes an educational project to teach students of occupational training courses to edit on Wikipedia. Students had to know the inner workings of a wiki and for this, Wikipedia was used as a learning tool in the construction of knowledge. Articles on different topics were created and improved in order to know if the chosen topics influenced their motivation and the difficulties they encountered during the editing process. A discussion group was also held to learn about the use of Wikipedia by these students, their perceptions of its reliability and the reasons why they do not edit on it. The study was conducted over three years with a total of 28 students, who generally showed no interest in the edition of Wikipedia when it was not considered for the final grade of the subject. None of the students had edited on Wikipedia before, they found it difficult to understand the obligation to add references to the information they provided, but they thought it was a very positive activity.


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Author Biography

Angel Obregón Sierra, Universidad Isabel I

Doctor por la Universidad de Cantabria, posgraduado en Educación y Filología y graduado en Informática e Historia. Sus principales líneas de investigación están centradas en las nuevas tecnologías en la Educación, principalmente herramientas de la Web 2.0, como los blogs o los wikis, y su utilización en el aula. Editor experto de la Wikipedia desde enero de 2007.

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How to Cite
Obregón Sierra A. (2021). Edit on Wikipedia: interests and motivations of unemployed people. Área Abierta. Revista de comunicación audiovisual y publicitaria, 21(2), 327-338. https://doi.org/10.5209/arab.72772