Government Advertising in Spain. Legislative, Technological and Social evolution

  • Raúl Magallón Rosa Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
Keywords: Institutional advertising; Transparency; Press; Social Media; New Media


. The aim of this article is to understand and study the evolution in Spain of the role of Government advertising in the different State administrations. We analyze its accountability processes in a new competition scenario, the recent autonomous legislations and a new context where, in addition to new digital media, search engines like Google, platforms like YouTube and social networks like Facebook or Twitter have emerge. Currently, legislation around branded content —including sponsorships and advertorials—, a legal harmonization of government advertising, the transparency of advertisers and media companies or the role of social media are further opening the debate at the moment.


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Author Biography

Raúl Magallón Rosa, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Raúl Magallón trabaja como profesor en el Departamento de Comunicación de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Es licenciado en Periodismo y doctor con mención europea por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Sus investigaciones se centran en la intersección entre medios de comunicación, tecnología y esfera pública y en las relaciones Prensa-Estado.

Es autor del libro Unfaking News. Cómo combatir la desinformación.

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How to Cite
Magallón Rosa R. (2020). Government Advertising in Spain. Legislative, Technological and Social evolution. Área Abierta. Revista de comunicación audiovisual y publicitaria, 20(3), 385-400.