Ins and Outs of the Gaze: A Methodological Proposal to Analyze Filmmaking

  • Jose María Galindo Pérez Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Keywords: filmmaking, cinematographic process, anthropological research, methodology of analysis, analysis of film production, cinematographic project


When we think about filmmaking, it is essential to attend to a key question: how to achieve a bigger and better knowledge about the process through which the films are made? This paper takes the methodology of analysis as its subject matter, which can lead to that wider and deeper knowledge. The design and the development of that methodology are built upon these axis: identification of the obstacles which block the correct access to knowledge about filmmaking; the ideological and operational building of the analysis tools; and the tuning of the methodology of analysis after getting in contact with a single case study. The encounter between anthropology and film studies reveals itself as an interesting way of analyzing a practice, usually hidden behind a lot of myths.


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How to Cite
Galindo Pérez J. M. (2018). Ins and Outs of the Gaze: A Methodological Proposal to Analyze Filmmaking. Área Abierta. Revista de comunicación audiovisual y publicitaria, 18(3), 461-476.