Reusing of Radio Drama in Cadena Ser. The Case of Podium Podcast

  • Miriam Rodríguez Pallares Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (España)
Keywords: Radio Drama, Cadena SER, Content Management, Documentation, Radio Archive, Podcasting, Podium Podcast


Fiction genre was an important element of radio programming after Spanish Civil War because of dictatorship´s legal imperative. In this context, Cadena SER was the most important Spanish producer of radio dramas, whose golden years were concentrated between the 1940´s and 1950´s. Recently, fiction contents have resurfaced in the Spanish media landscape, and this article aims to know if new ways of digital production and distribution facilitate not only the offer of new fiction contents but also the reuse of radio drama contents which are preserved in the Prisa Radio´s content management system, through the case study of Podium Podcast. To that end, firstly, it is analyzed the content management model and then the visibility of these contents in the analyzed case. This research is based on in-depth interviews and non-participating observation. The results obtained allow us to conclude that this radio broadcasting company recognizes their fiction contents value, which are being managed and preserved and although they were forgotten for years, in the recent period, Prisa Radio is reusing these contents according to journalist and cultural criteria, mainly through podcasts.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Pallares M. (2017). Reusing of Radio Drama in Cadena Ser. The Case of Podium Podcast. Área Abierta. Revista de comunicación audiovisual y publicitaria, 17(1), 83-97.