Serial, The Radio Programme that Brought Podcasting Back to Life

  • Rafael Linares Palomar Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Elena Neira Borrajo Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Keywords: Podcast, Serial, Podcasting, New Businesss Model, Series, Radio Broadcasting


The broadcast of Serial, a podcast released in October 2014, triggered a radical change in the model of this new format, making it more popular for audiences and attractive to advertising incomes. Since that moment, the increase of investment, aggregators and the big media groups' interest revive podcasting as a communication tool. This paper will focus on Serial as a study case.


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Author Biography

Rafael Linares Palomar, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Departamento de Comunicación y Sociología. Profesor Titular Interino



How to Cite
Linares Palomar R. y Neira Borrajo E. (2017). Serial, The Radio Programme that Brought Podcasting Back to Life. Área Abierta. Revista de comunicación audiovisual y publicitaria, 17(1), 73-82.