Music as a gender claim in Cecilia Bartolome's "Margarita y el lobo"

  • Marta García Sahagún Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Cecilia Bartolomé, Escuela Oficial de Cinematografía (EOC), Margarita y el lobo, Feminism, Musical, Susan McClary


The feminist disposition of "Margarita y el lobo" (1969) supposed the censorship of the film and the ostracism to its filmmaker, Cecilia Bartolomé, who was studing at the EOC. In this article we run over her previous short films to analyse first hints of protest in her work. Also, we want to find out how she used the musical expression to carry the feminist discourse out. Thanks to gender theory in musicology addressed by Susan McClary we are able to conclude a methodological vision of feminist analysis in music, exemplify by Barto­lomé’s film. Similarly, we discuss the role of music in "Margarita y el lobo". So, we will examine each song accepting discursive and referential function as key pieces of the film director.


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Author Biography

Marta García Sahagún, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Doctoranda y colaboradora honorífica del CAVPI de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
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How to Cite
García Sahagún M. (2016). Music as a gender claim in Cecilia Bartolome’s "Margarita y el lobo". Área Abierta. Revista de comunicación audiovisual y publicitaria, 16(2), 71-87.