Ulysses and the Terrorist Hero: Myth and Modernity in the “Homeland” Series

  • Alfonso Cuadrado Alvarado Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Keywords: Television series, myth, narrative, hero


This paper examines the television series “Homeland” from the perspective of the presence of mythical stories and narratives universal. One of the aspects emphasized by academic criticism of the current drama series is its ability to combine old and new narrative schemes. “Homeland” is a fictional example of a structure that combines several stories: the hero's homecoming after a long period of adventure (“The Odyssey”) with the reasons for the recognition of the hero and the passage of time, the American monomyth hero redeemer by violence. These references are combined with the modern context of American fiction that refers to the crisis of conscience after the war in Iraq and the events of September 11.


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How to Cite
Cuadrado Alvarado A. (2013). Ulysses and the Terrorist Hero: Myth and Modernity in the “Homeland” Series. Área Abierta. Revista de comunicación audiovisual y publicitaria, 13(1), 27-42. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_ARAB.2013.v34.n1.41589